Advice to the players / Bruce Bonafede -- Reasonable circulation / P.J. Barry -- Dog lady / Milcha Sanchez-Scott -- The root of chaos / Douglas Soderberg -- Slam! / Jane Nixon Willis -- The love suicide at Schofield Barracks / Romulus Linney -- Going in / David Kranes -- Ariel bright / Katharine Long -- Blood bond / Gina Barnett -- The agreement / Janet Neipris
Obscured text on back cover due to sticker attached.
2021-11-11 16:08:33
Delgado, Ramon, 1937-; Bonafede, Bruce. Advice to the players; Barry, P. J. Reasonable circulation; Sanchez-Scott, Milcha. Dog lady; Soderberg, Douglas. Root of chaos; Willis, Jane Nixon. Slam!; Linney, Romulus, 1930-2011. Love suicide at Schofield Barracks; Kranes, David. Going in; Long, Katharine. Ariel bright; Barnett, Gina. Blood bond; Neipris, Janet. Agreement